Portable Amplification
The MamboAmp is extremely portable amplification...
...compact, lightweight, warm, clean, and very loud indeed !
by phone: +44 (0)7762 158326 Voice call, WhatSapp or SMS.
by email: info@mambo-amp.co.uk
Or send us a message using this form;
Please contact me for more information, to arrange a demo or place an order.
The current price list is here.
price list (pdf)
We ship our products worldwide, please ask about freight costs and import taxes etc. for your locality
If you'd like to visit us, we are located in Mossley, Lancashire, which is near Manchester, England.
Woodend Mill, Mossley location map
    photo here  Photo of Woodend Mill, Mossley
If you buy a Mambo Amp and then after two or three weeks trial you decide that it's
not for you, then just return it for a full refund. We are flexible about this, but sensible terms and conditions do apply.
Warranty repairs and support is provided free for 36 months from the purchase date. We will cover all costs of repair or replacement, minus any to and from freight costs incurred.
The detail is here. Please read carefully before purchasing.
repair and returns policy (pdf)
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